Saturday, April 21, 2007

How To Stop Credit Bureaus From Selling Your Information!

How The Credit Bureaus LEGALLY Sell YOUR Personal Information For Profit & How YOU Can STOP Them.
ID Theft is the fastest growing crime in the nation and you should do everything in your power to protect your privacy.
But did you know that TransUnion, Experian and Equifax, the three Credit Reporting Bureaus, are ALLOWED BY LAW to engage in selling lists of consumers who meet certain criteria in order to receive a "firm" offer of credit or insurance? This is the source of the many pre-approved credit offers you receive in the mail.
"Pre-approved" and so-called "firm" offers of credit, however, can be somewhat misleading. If you respond, the creditor may access your report before you are actually granted credit. They can deny your credit application at that time. This is explained in the fine print on the pre-approved offer.
The law does not allow CRAs to compile and sell information from credit reports for the purpose of direct marketing. Although CRAs have engaged in this practice in the past, the Federal Trade Commission in March 2000 ruled that TransUnion violated the FCRA by the sale of personal credit information for target marketing purposes. To read the FTC's full opinion, see
TransUnion appealed the FTC's decision, but the agency's decision was upheld by a federal appeals court. To read the court's opinion, see Equifax states it does not sell lists used for direct or target marketing. Experian, on the other hand, sells lists of consumers to marketers derived from consumer surveys, demographics sources, and public records.
How to Have Your Name REMOVED From The Credit Bureaus' Marketing Lists
You can remove your name from any marketing list compiled by a CRA, whether the list is for pre-approved credit offers or direct marketing. To "opt-out," that is, to remove your name from mailing lists compiled by credit bureaus, call the toll-free number all CRAs are required by law to maintain for this purpose:
Call (888) 5-OPTOUT or (888) 567-8688 to opt out of pre-approved offers of credit OR go online to
This phone number can be used to remove your name from the list of all three CRAs. You may also write to the CRA.
Equifax OptionsP.O. Box 740123Atlanta, GA 30374-0123
ExperianConsumer Opt Out P.O. Box 919Allen, TX 75013
Trans UnionName Removal OptionP.O. Box 97328Jackson, MS 39288-7328

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